Change Management

The decisive factor here is that the heartbeat for every change in a company comes from the employees. If you want to change organisations, you have to move people.


Due to the influence of transformative events such as M&A, strategic realignments, restructurings and changing ways of working that companies need to successfully manage, organisations are in a constant state of flux.

Whether for innovation, growth or productivity reasons, change requires clear structures, systems and processes. But changes are only successful when employees implement and live them. Changes require leaving familiar routes and routines behind and taking new, value-adding paths. This requires motivation to set out, a clear direction, the right equipment, and the necessary support for implementation.

Through targeted change management measures such as convincing narratives, target group-specific empathic communication, involvement of employees in the design and continuous dialogue, we help to release this implementation power, create clarity, and thus enable performance.


Pillars of successful change management

Questions for the team

In which situations does externally supported change management make sense for companies?

Whenever the status quo should or must change significantly. There are many examples of this: from post-merger integration to restructuring to transformations of the business model. Even in the case of less comprehensive changes such as the optimisation of selected structures and processes, support from change management experts can be useful – for example, in the case of a reorganisation of purchasing. Here, our sector and technical expertise is of great advantage in order to be able to communicate with all stakeholders at eye level.

What are the biggest challenges in change management?

This is difficult to summarise and usually depends on how much the respective changes affect the everyday life of the staff and managers. Employees have a sense of when change is on the horizon – this often initially leads to uncertainty and unease. Our goal is to recognise such barriers at an early stage and to dismantle them together. To do this, we have a wide range of options for actively involving employees in the change process and giving them a voice.

What are the main advantages of change management supported by FTI-Andersch?

We have a specialised team for the subject area and have many years of experience and certifications. We have successfully supported comprehensive projects on a wide range of change topics for medium-sized companies and international corporations. In our experience, it is not only the methodological knowledge that is important, but also the sensitivity in dealing with employees and external stakeholders.

How we help our clients