Equity Stories

A central goal when selling a company is to achieve the best possible sales price. This is always possible if the right investor can be identified and convinced with sound arguments. Another essential aspect is the creation of a bidding war between several interested parties in order to maximise the purchase price.


For a viable equity story, the target group must first be defined – the decision-making factors are weighted differently for strategic investors than for financial investors. In each case, we ensure that the target group is addressed in a way that is relevant.

The equity story must be coherently linked to the company's previous development and planning – both on a strategic and financial level. Our experts ensure comprehensible documentation and develop convincing arguments together with you.

Our service goes beyond the detailed preparation – if required, we support the adaptation of strategy and business plan as well as the development of initial packages of measures for implementation.


Fully exploit sales potentials

Questions to our team

When is it necessary to create an equity story?

In the case of planned divestments of companies or divisions – e.g. in the course of succession planning or a strategic realignment – a convincing equity story must be developed in order to optimise the purchase price. A well-founded corporate plan including a suitable business strategy offers a coherent concept and makes the entire transaction process more structured and efficient. It enables the parallel, uniform approach of various investors and, through the documentation of all analysis results, forms a very good basis for the due diligence on the buy side.

In your opinion, what is another key added value of an equity story?

Depending on the potential investor group and the associated target image of the sale object, it makes sense to concretise value-enhancing measures. We develop a realisable package of measures ranging from strategic adjustments to synergy potential in the event of a planned merger to measures to increase earnings. We underpin these measure effects with a concrete plan for operationalisation. Based on a resilient growth path, significantly higher sales proceeds are usually achieved.

What are other characteristics of a good equity story?

A good equity story requires an overall understanding of all key value creation areas and the company's business model, but also of the market environment and relevant trends – only then can the right conclusions be drawn regarding the competitive position, strategic orientation, and future development. Another quality feature is a reliable corporate plan that also presents the equity story in concrete figures with regard to earnings and liquidity commitment.

How we help our clients